Saturday 2 May 2015

William Shakespeare sonnet 116 Shakespeare is known widely all around the world for his dramas but his poetic skills were on a league of his own he has written about 154 sonnets in total and most of them are based on the feeling of love. The poem which i am presenting here is one of his best sonnets some of you must have read it as sonnet 116 or popularly known as "let me not to the marriage of true minds”

Sonnet - 116

let me not to the marriage of true minds 
admit impediments . love is not love 
which alters when it alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove:
o no; it is an ever- fixed mark,
that look tempests, and is never shaken;
it is the star to every wandering bark,
whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
love's not time's fool, through rosy lips and cheeks 
within his bending sickle's compass come;
love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
but bears it out even to the edge of doom.
if this be error and upon me proved, 
i never writ, nor no man ever loved.


Shakespeare in poetry writing is considered a romantic poet who Wrote much about love in this sonnet Shakespeare explains true love, he here says that for the union of two true lover (here union of true lovers can be explained as marriage) problems can occur but true lovers never accepts them as the end of their love Shakespeare here says that a love is not a true kind of love if it changes itself when it gets slight chance to change(which finding dire situations changes his attitude towards his loved one) or pressurized by worldly forces. according to Shakespeare love remains as stable as the fixed position of a pole star which guides every travelling ship, love worth can't be measured as it is invaluable in price but one can still reach  its topmost height easily, according to Shakespeare love is not depended on time as it does not change within time period of hours and weeks but remains intact till the doomsday (end), Shakespeare has such a firm faith on his understanding of true love that he has announced that if his definition of love is found incorrect, then he will take back all of his written works and admit that no man has ever truly loved.

And lastly as i am new in blog writing so i will require all your suggestions and requests for future post so all feedback is welcomed can be both positive and negative.

Waiting for your replies

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