Saturday 1 October 2016

William Shakespeare Love Quotes

 William Shakespeare Love Quotes Wallpaper

Share the best quotes by William Shakespeare with your friends and Loved ones.

About William Shakespeare
william shakespeare  love quotes

Known during his lifetime as a gifted actor, poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, was also an impresario, owning the most successful of all London theaters, The Globe, which opened in 1599. During his life, Shakespeare authored an estimated 37 plays, 154 sonnets, two narrative poems and two" lost plays". He is only known to have graduated from grammar school, there being no records of…

Date of Birth: April 26, 1564Date of Death: April 23, 1616.


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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

True love cannot be found
where it does not exist...
nor can it be hidden
where it does.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

Love me or hate me,
both are in my favor...
If you love me,
I'll always be in your heart...
If you hate me,
I'll always be in your mind.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep the more I give to thee
The more I have,for both are infinite
           "Romeo and Juliet"

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

Doubt thou the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun doth move,
doubt truth to be a liar,
never doubt i Love.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

I love thee with a love
that shall not die,
till the sun grows cold
and the stars grow old.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

When love speaks,
the voice of all the gods
makes heaven drowsy
with the harmony.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

Love all,
trust a few,
do wrong to

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

This bud of love,by
summer's ripening
breath may prove a
beauteous flower when
next we meet.
~Romeo Juliet~

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

If music be the food of love,
Play on.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

Love looks
not with the
eyes,but with
the mind.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

I would not wish any
companion in
the world but you.

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 Shakespeare Love Quotes:

They do not love that do not
show their love.The course of
true love never did run smooth.
Love is a familiar.Love is a devil.
there is no evil angel but Love.


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By Sonya Khan95

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